What is it?

Cardinol is a natural remedy designed to normalize blood pressure. Hypertension is considered one of the most insidious diseases. Most people suffering from it usually do not notice its manifestations or attribute the main symptoms (headaches, outbursts of uncontrollable emotions, fatigue) to fatigue or stress. Which gradually leads to deterioration in the functioning of the heart, brain, liver and kidneys. And then the disease can develop into a heart attack or stroke. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of your health now. Cardinol is a complex of plant extracts that has repeatedly proven in practice its high effectiveness and safety for humans. It normalizes blood pressure within the first half hour after taking the drug, and regular use can significantly improve the condition of the cardiovascular system, restore healthy sleep, and increase physical and mental activity.

How it works?

The active components of the drug improve the condition of the cardiovascular system, healing the heart muscle and clearing blood vessels of “bad” cholesterol. They improve blood circulation, due to which the cells of all internal organs are adequately enriched with the micronutrients and oxygen they need. Cardinol restores nerve tissue damaged by stress, alcohol consumption or certain medications. Thanks to this, not only blood pressure is regulated, but also sleep improves, mood improves, and sudden changes in emotional state stop. Within 30 minutes after taking the first capsule of the drug, a person begins to feel better: excessive heart rate decreases, excessive sweating is relieved, headaches are less, vision is normalized, and tinnitus goes away. A course of treatment accelerates the regeneration of internal systems, increases endurance, energy, improves memory, concentration, and stabilizes the emotional background.
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How to use?

Take 1 capsule 2 times a day
The procedure must be carried out 20-30 minutes before meals.
Drink 200 ml of still drinking water
Do not use alcoholic or caffeinated drinks for this.
Take the full course
The duration of use of the drug is usually 30 calendar days. If necessary, the course can be repeated after a 2-week break.


Olive Leaf Extract - Cardinol Composition

Olive Leaf Extract

Clears arteries of cholesterol plaques, fights the formation of blood clots, increases vascular tone and protection, and strengthens the heart muscle.
Grape seed extract - Cardinol Composition

Grape seed extract

Relieves muscle spasms, regulates blood pressure, improves blood circulation, restores nerve tissue damaged by stress, alcohol and some medications.
Green Tea Leaf Extract - Cardinol Composition

Green Tea Leaf Extract

Restores the correct heart rhythm, improves blood circulation, increases the tone of the whole body, and prevents the occurrence of stroke and heart attack.


Payment - Cash on Delivery
Delivery Country - United Kingdom
Delivery - 5-7 days
Availability - Yes


Headaches, dizziness, fatigue, increased sweating, irritability, apathy, tinnitus, blurred vision, the appearance of dark spots (floaters) before the eyes, problems falling asleep, nervousness, worsening sleep, increased heart rate, swelling of the face and lower extremities, tingling or numbness of the fingertips, redness or excessive pallor of the skin, sudden changes in blood pressure.


Pregnancy, lactation period, age under 18 years, predisposition to allergic reactions to individual components of this product.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it safe to use?
It is absolutely safe to use this dietary supplement if you follow the manufacturer's instructions and carefully study the contraindications
How long does delivery take?
Average delivery time from 3 to 8 days depending on where you live
Can Cardinol be bought at a pharmacy?
No, our dietary supplements are sold only on this site. If you saw it in a store or pharmacy - do not buy it, as it is a fake
Are there side effects?
There were no other side effects other than those we have described.

Customer Reviews

This may sound strange, but I am completely out of the habit of being healthy. I can’t bring myself to completely give up the habit of measuring my blood pressure and keeping pills on hand. I understand that this is all correct, because you cannot be 100% sure that something supernatural will not happen. But after this remedy I began to feel much better. I became cheerful, I sleep well, I completely forgot about headaches. This is still somewhat unusual for me, having suffered from hypertension for many years. But I’m sure that over time I will get used to my new, healthy state.
Its good to feel like a full-fledged person. I no longer feel that daily weakness that always haunted me. I gained confidence in my abilities. I started walking more in the fresh air, and I am more productive at work. And it all started when I started drinking these capsules. Probably some powerful magic potion was “mixed” in there, nothing less.
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